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Last Sunday something happened here . . .

Last Sunday something happened here.  Two men were baptized. 

Most of you, no doubt, have been witness to many baptisms.  All of which were significant in the life of the person being baptized and some which held special significance to others.  One of the most memorable baptisms that I have been witness to took place on April 27, 2014, when my nephew Avery was baptized.  It marked the beginning of a new season in his life that I feel blessed each day to be a part of. 

Last Sunday two men were baptized here, and this too was of particular significance to me.  Yes, it was a privilege to be witness to this act of obedience by two new believers who were impacted by the ministry that I have joined . . . but it was more than that.

These were the first two people to be baptized our ministry’s land in Pantanal, the community where we serve.  This was the first official activity to take place on this land.  The new baptistery was the first structure to be completed on the land.  This is significant.

It occurred to me as I witnessed these baptisms that this too marked the beginning of a new season.  Not just a new season for me as I join this ministry team, but a new season for the ministry itself.  I see great significance in the completion of the baptistery and performance of the baptisms marking the onset of this new season.  I see this as a testament to heart of this ministry and I believe the impact of that testament to be significant in this community. 

The heart of this ministry is first to glorify God in all that is accomplished.  Bringing glory to God is the measure of success.  The ministry will undoubtedly strive to meet the physical, financial, emotional, and educational needs of the people  . . . but the priority has to be on the spiritual needs if any of this is going to matter.  For that reason, it gave me great joy to recognize that the first structure built and the first activity performed on this land was focused on the spiritual needs of the people that we have been placed here to serve.

My nephew’s baptism was significant to me as it marked the joyous beginning of a season in his life that I am blessed to be a part of.  This baptism was significant to be because it too marked a proper beginning to a season in the life of this ministry that I am blessed to be a part of.

Last Sunday something happened here.  Two men were baptized.  The onset of a new season was marked.  The heart of the ministry was displayed.  God was glorified.  I was blessed to be a part of it. 


  1. Thanks for the insightful update. It is really all about the spiritual part of our lives. In the end that is all that matters. We are praying for you and love you.

  2. Thanks for the insightful update. It is really all about the spiritual part of our lives. In the end that is all that matters. We are praying for you and love you.

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