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What I Learned from a Summer of Baseball

My nephew Avery loves playing baseball and he has played little league for several years now.  This summer he was given the opportunity to play for the (8-9) All-Star team for his league.  This meant that most of our conversations this summer were about baseball practice, the upcoming game, the last game, the strengths/weaknesses of the other teams, etc.  Essentially, we talked baseball every day. 

So baseball has been on my mind.  However, more than that, it has really been my nephew’s experiences with baseball this summer that have been on my mind . . . and those experiences reminded me of some lessons that are worth noting in our Christian life as well.

There is a need to establish solid disciplines. 

In order for my nephew to be successful at baseball this summer and continue to grow and mature as a player, he established solid disciplines.  He practiced on a daily basis (alone and with friends), sought additional coaching through attendance at baseball camp, and prioritized these activities above others.

In order for us to grow and mature spiritually as Christians, we must also establish solid disciplines.  Examples of this are  . . . studying God’s word on our own and with groups of fellow believers, seeking teaching and Godly counsel from solid spiritual leaders, and prioritizing these activities above others.

The role we are given may not be the one we desire.

My nephew has played full games for most of his 9 seasons of baseball experience.  He has played pitcher or short stop in the majority of these games.  This summer that was not the case.  On an All-star team full of many amazing players, he did substitute out occasionally and he played the outfield most of the season.  These were not the positions that he desired . . . but these were the positions that he was placed in for this season.  He made the choice to be content with that and to play hard where he was placed.  He realized he was part of something bigger and that the team’s interests mattered above his own desires. 

In the Christian life we all have different roles in bringing God’s Kingdom on this earth.  All roles are equally important in bringing Glory to the Lord, but not all are desired by everyone.  I recently spoke to a supporter who said that she and her family desired to serve on the international mission field.  However, after praying, they felt strongly that the Lord wanted them to remain in their current roles in business, family, & their community and to continue to financially and prayerfully send others.  This may not be the role that they desired but it is the one that the Lord has purposed for them during this season.  They have chosen to be content and to obey the Lord in this and recognize that His plan is greater than their desires.  

We may not see the fruits of our labor . . . at least not to the extent that we desire. 

My nephew and his team worked hard and played hard all summer.  They practiced and they prepared and they gave it their all.  They finished the (8-9) All-Star summer season 2nd in the District and 2nd in the state (North Carolina).  While they did see fruits of their labor, they weren’t guaranteed, and they weren’t realized to the extent that they had hoped as they desired to win it all.

So often in the Christian life we establish spiritual disciplines, seek the Lord, serve in our given roles, and yet still do not see the results that we expect to see.  Sometimes we get a glimpse of them and sometimes we are amazed by results that were unexpected.  We desire to see all of the fruits and to understand the results, but this is often not the case.

My Nephew’s experiences taught him some lessons about the game and about life, but they also reminded me of some lessons that I too often forget in my own life.  I love how God does that!


  1. I love it! God speaks through everything. We just need to look with His eyes! Thank you. This is a great encouragement!

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